Monday, September 10, 2012

Launch Aborted

Sooo.. unsurprisingly, my time at Google has been incredibly busy. And on top of it, I can't really talk about the best parts of what's going on, and my time has just gotten a heck of a lot more valuable.

So as a result, I'm going to hibernate this blog again. Lame, I know, sorry. But feel free to hit me up if you have questions, e.g. about the Associate Product Manager (APM) interview process or role at Google.

Maybe I'll find the time to keep this up to date after all. But I wouldn't count on it ;)


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Segue through Sydney

After a heartfelt parting with my parents this morning, I was off to Sydney for the day.

Thanks to dad's suggestion to check up on checking-in our luggage at the airport, we were able to meander around the city mostly unencumbered; one carry-on was all we had to cart around Circular Quay.

For lunch we headed to the Lowenbraeu for some pretty nice Bavarian / German, but it wasn't as good as last time and frankly, not really worth it. I mean, when I asked for the cheese sauce to eat with their Spaetzle, they looked at me with a blank stare suggestive of the blandness of said Spaetzle they had just served us. Far more interesting was the Fresh Food Store, where we got an excellent iced coffee and falafel wrap plus spinach salad which really hit the spot.

We also did a little browsing through the Sunday market in The Rocks. A stall with various semi-common gemstones caught my eye, as I hadn't really examined many of them closely before. Tourmaline, quartz (rose, smoky, clear), agate, malachite, garnet, amber (technically not a stone but you know what I mean), moonstome, tiger's eye, and many more. Most notably, there were some beautiful Australian Opals set in Sterling Silver. Rebekah and I looked through them and found an elegant pendant which set off her eyes, and for a very good price. Turns out opal is her 'birthstone', so it's easily the catch of the day!

The Sea Shepherd had one of their ships, the Steve Irwin, docked at the Quay. They were doing free tours but the line-up was huge, so we skipped that and just had a nice look and chat with one of the crew. Finally, the Sydney Museum of Contemporary Art was another stop. The exhibitions ranged from bizarre to brilliant, unsurprisingly :)

Weary from walking and travel, we went to my far-removed cousin's place and had a wonderful evening with her and her family. Hot pot / Chinese fondue was for dinner and the kids and dog were great fun to play with.

And now it's off to bed, in an attempt to get ahead of the jet-lag while we can!

Good night world.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Whooo, I got my dream job! And with many friends and supporters curious about this next big part of my life, this blog will be getting a bit more exercise shortly :) so stay tuned if you'd like to find out more, o anonymous readers.